Our FAQs

Macadamia Nut Oil FAQ’s

What is macadamia nut oil?

Macadamia nut oil is one of the most stable vegetal carrier oils with many uses, including cooking and cosmetic formulations.

The oil extracted has excellent spread ability, lubrication and penetration properties that impart a smooth non-greasy effect on skin.

How is macadamia nut oil produced?

Macadamia nut oil is produced through pressing macadamia nuts. The oil is extracted from the nut pulp and is a transparent, pale-yellow liquid.

Macadamia nut oil is usually cold pressed.

What are the benefits of macadamia oil for your skin?

Macadamia nut oil is a true superfood for your skin as it is full of potent antioxidants and necessary fatty acids.

It contains high amounts of palmitoleic acid (22%), a crucial fatty acid that starts reducing in quantity with age, palmitic acids, and other beneficial nutrients that are ideal for soothing skin issues that need a delicate touch.

Macadamia nut oil contains squalene and oleic acid that assists with cell regeneration, making it particularly useful for dry or chapped skin as it softens and moisturizes.

It contains phytosterols that assist with itchiness and redness.

Macadamia nut oil is a highly emollient oil, yet light and penetrating which is excellent for dry and mature skins that have a reduced production of natural serum. It has a slight sunscreen effect as well.

Is macadamia nut oil safe for the skin?

Macadamia nut oil can be used for all skin types.

Other than jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil is the closest match to the naturally occurring sebum of the skin. It is also hypoallergenic and a non-comedogenic oil. It does not clog pores and is a lightweight oil that absorbs quickly in the skin which allows it to breathe.

The color of the product is not always the same. What causes this?

There is minimal processing that occurs in the pressing of the macadamia oil we use. This allows for the oil to retain as much integrity as possible and be the cleanest product possible. Color variations will occur from batch to batch but the efficacy of the body oil is not impacted. We also  recommend storing the body oil out of direct sunlight which can also cause color variations over time.


What is CBD?

CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol. It is one of more than 85 naturally occurring chemical compounds called Cannabinoids that are extracted from the cannabis sativa plant, also known as hemp.

Does CBD cause a high?

CBD is one of the two primary active ingredients of cannabis, the other one being THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is the primary psychoactive component of the plant.

Unlike THC, pure CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, meaning it doesn’t make you feel high.

Is CBD safe to use to use?

Several studies have proven the therapeutic potential of using CBD in skincare. They’ve also demonstrated its safety and effectiveness, making it suitable for all skin types.

Hilo Botanicals contains Broad Spectrum CBD, and CBD Isolate that’s completely THC-FREE.

They are non-psychoactive and safe for all ages when used as directed. However, they’re not advised for use when pregnant—always consult with your doctor.

What are the benefits of CBD?

CBD has therapeutic and cosmetic effects.

The earliest documentation of cannabis use goes back thousands of years to the ancient Greeks who used it in their steam baths. The interest in the therapeutic effects of CBD has grown and it is now used in everything from skincare to medicinal mouth sprays.

Research shows that CBD may be effective in alleviating anxiety, chronic inflammation and pain, insomnia and some rare forms of childhood epilepsy.

While the research on CBD’s benefits is limited, it’s generally considered safe to use topically. CBD oil works to restore the body’s natural balance. Here’s how that is achieved:

Your body contains an Endocannabinoid system which is responsible for regulating a few functions, including sleep, immunity, appetite, memory, and pain.

The body produces Endocannabinoids that bind to Cannabinoid receptors in our cells. One of these, CB1, is the most abundant receptor found throughout our central nervous system. The research in this field is ongoing, but Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are thought to help the body maintain homeostasis by either binding to the receptors or preventing the breakdown of

Homeostasis refers to the stability of your body’s processes. It can be thrown off by illness or injury, and it’s thought the Endocannabinoid systems are what helps get it back on track.

This process is thought to be responsible for the beneficial effects of CBD on mood, skin health, quality of sleep, inflammation, and overall wellbeing.

How many types of CBD oil are there?

Not all CBD oil types are the same. The “type” of CBD oil used in your product is the result of processing that happens once the CBD is extracted from the hemp plant. It’s categorised in the following ways:

Full Spectrum CBD: The name “full spectrum” gives an indication of what you can expect from this type of CBD. Beyond CBD, it contains a spectrum of other cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant. This could mean that it also contains traces of THC but won’t get you “high.” We don’t currently use Full Spectrum CBD in any of the Hilo Botanicals products.

Broad Spectrum CBD: This CBD oil type is derived from Full Spectrum CBD. The THC is removed by a special process, but it still contains beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes.

CBD Isolate: CBD Isolate is a purified CBD molecule. As the name suggests, it’s isolated from the rest of the cannabis plant.

The CBD oil types used in Hilo Botanical products are non-habit forming and non-psychoactive CBD Isolate or Broad Spectrum CBD. They are completely free from THC.

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

The benefits of CBD are being explored in studies conducted around the world. Just some of the revealed benefits of CBD oil thus far are:

• anti-inflammation: reduce inflammation and swelling
• anxiolysis: relief from anxiety
• anti-emesis: relief from nausea and vomiting

What are the side effects of CBD?

Apart from calm, balanced, and younger-looking skin, CBD generally has no side effects. However, some users report mild changes in appetite and weight.

What is the difference between Hemp Seed oil and CBD oil?

These 2 oils are easy to get mixed up but are 2 completely different products. Hemp seed oil is made from the seeds of the hemp plant, whereas CBD comes from the flowers, leaves, and stems. Hemp oil is cold-pressed. CBD is extracted.

Hemp seed oil can be rich in nutrients (including omega-6, omega-3, vitamin D and B vitamins) and may be used in cooking and food. However, it does not contain Cannabinoids and, as such, does not interact with the Endocannabinoid system.

CBD oil, on the other hand, is a Cannabinoid. And studies indicate that it does have multiple therapeutic effects on both body and mind. To check products that contain beneficial CBD, and not just hemp oil, check the ingredients list for “Cannabidiol” or “CBD”.

I use the Hilo Botanicals oil on my face and it goes on nicely, not sticky or tacky. It keeps my skin moist and it feels healthy. The fine lines on my forehead also seem to be lighter and that’s great considering I am in my early 50’s.
— Chris A. Petaluma, California

Hilo Botanicals

Hilo Botanicals is committed to producing
only the finest products with the highest
quality standards.


(808) 935-4447


374 Kinoole Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
